Scaling up the benchmark infrastructure of scikit-learn
The Scikit-Learn Consortium at Inria foundation proposes an internship for scaling up the benchmark infrastructure of scikit-learn. The goals of the internship are:
- Development of an automated benchmark suite to monitor Scikit-learn’s efficiency against third party librarieslike daal4py and cuML.
- Analysis of the results: identify which scikit-learn models are the most under-performing and try to understandthe root cause by reading the source code and analyzing the space and time complexity of the algorithmsimplemented in each framework.
- Follow up by profiling for more fine-grained analysis on the critical parts of these models.
- Work on a pull request to improve the efficiency or multi-core scalability of one of those under-performingmodels.
The internship will take place at Inria Saclay (Campus Ecole Polytechnique, Bat. Turing, 91120 Palaiseau,France) or remotely depending on the evolution of the Covid situation.
The Scikit-Learn Consortium team is embedded in the Inria Parietal research team. Therefore the candidate will get an experience of working in an academic environment leading research of state-of-art mathematical tools for machine learning applied to neuroscience problems.
The duration of the internship will be of 5 to 6 months.
Click here to download the detailed description.